Supervisors of the Checklist

General Information

You can register at the Town Clerk’s Office, Monday through Friday from 8-1 and 2-4, at a session of the Supervisors of the Checklist*, or on Election Day.

*Supervisor sessions will be posted at the Town Hall and the Public Safety Building and on the town website under Boards and Commissions/Supervisors of the Checklist.

To register to vote in New Hampshire, you must provide documentation to prove:

  • Your age and identity (usually a driver’s license).
  • Your domicile (many driver’s licenses or a utility bill, a lease agreement, a car registration).
  • Your citizenship (US Passport, birth certificate, or naturalization papers).

If you have no proof or don’t bring proof with you, you may sign affidavits that attest to your identity, age, domicile, and citizenship.

Board Members


Frederick S. Fernald


Expires 2026

Rosemary Lounsbury


Expires 2024


Expires 2028
