Wolfeboro Energy Conservation Committee Minutes May 26, 2017 Present: Susan Fuller, Jeff Ouellette, Bruce McCracken, Jim Ladd, Jim Nupp Regrets: Opening Round The committee unanimously vote to request the selectmen to change the name of the committee from the Wolfeboro Energy Conservation Committee to the Wolfeboro Energy Committee to better reflect its mission. Susan drafted a letter and Bruce delivered it to Dave Owen post meeting. It was decided to send the thank you letter already written to the Planning Board; thanking them for their time and careful consideration of our request for a separate Energy chapter in the Master Plan. Discussion was had about some preparations the committee can make ahead of receipt of the Town Master plan template and instructions. * Envision what energy will look like in 20 years * Understand cost structure of electric energy * Learn how electric power gets from generation to residences * Determine the age of the electric infrastructure in Wolfeboro * Find out what plans presently exist for energy related improvements * Investigate the percentages of electricity derived from various sources * Get a general understanding how the power grid works. * Look at other towns,companies and organizations to see their energy planning * Find out how the Energy Chapter Committee will be structured A start was made to develop questions that can be used when talking with towns,companies and organizations. The list will be on a separate sheet that members can add to. Some sources of information were listed. * NH sustainable Energy Association (NHSEA) * NH Local Energy Solutions * NH Public Utilities Commission * NH Solar Garden Particularly the Milton NH municipal solar garden * GALA See page 2 or other side * Wolfeboro Master Plan Survey 2016 A list of places to visit was started including: * Milton, NH * Wolfeboro tour of electric infrastructure * Other towns that have their own electric Company * Ashland * Littleton * Woodsville Next meeting: Thursday, June 8, 7:30 AM Wolfeboro Public library Meeting Room Minutes by Bruce McCracken