FD Site Test Fit - 3/11/21

PDF: 17-083-00 WOLFEBORO FD BLDG STUDY_Site Test Fit and Space Diagrams_031021

PDF: Town of Wolfeboro PD FD Schedule 3-11-2021


From: Courtney Carrier <Courtney.Carrier@lbpa.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 11, 2021 at 3:03 PM
Subject: Wolfeboro FD Site Test Fit and Space Diagrams

Good afternoon Chief Skantze and PSB Committee,

Enclosed please find the Fire Station test fit based on the approved FD Space Program and selected site layout per the meeting on March 3, 2021.

A few items to note:

EOC is located at the rear of the existing PSB as requested

Space Program and Visual Program elements have been incorporated into the layout

Selected Site Plan layout comments were incorporated

We have enclosed an updated schedule dated as of today, March 11, 2021

Please review this information and reach out to us with any questions. We will be glad to set up a Zoom call to review the information on screen as we did with the Space Program and the Site Diagrams.  To keep the ball moving forward we would appreciate your comments and input by Tuesday March 16.

Thank you,

Bob and the LBA Team

Courtney Carrier

Project Designer

Boston | Manchester | Portland

T 603.622.5450 x144
