ISAC Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Called to order at 3:30

Unanimously approved minutes of previous meeting with one addition regarding the need for a new IT committee member

We heard from Jim Pineo about the upgrades at the fire station, IMC project manager and Block5 folks are coordinating on the upgrade.  We moved this to the top of the agenda.

1. IMC module in place end of July beginning of August.

2. Jan 1 2018 is the go live date, up until then there will be training and some data loading.

3. Mentioned possible data sharing with the PD, but also firewalling sensitive data. 

4. Jim also explained some of the new features in the IMC software that provides communications between departments and cell phone link for location services.

5. A quote had been given of $12K for data migration.  historical incidents, inspections, occ permits.

6. Keith said he would look at the firehouse system to see if he can determine how the data is stored and how easy it might be to access it, or transfer.

We resumed the meeting agenda returning to old business:

Discussed how the new IT Assistant position has been working out.  Positive feedback at this time.  Various support tasks have been carried out and some initiatives are proceeding.

Peter reported that the budget is up to 65%, but that is with major payments for support contracts.

LOS (line of sight internet connection for Abenaki and Pop Whalen) - Pete has spoken with our provider.  Will continue to gather information.  Will looked at pricing for Ubuiquti equipment, very inexpensive.  Keith mentioned it may also lead to investigating WIFI for the town.  

Pete would like members to review the IT Policy for the next meeting, looking at areas for possible changes.  Jim mentioned an item on Page 6, Item 7 , year review?  It was clarified that the Policy pertains to employees with systems.  

It was acknowledged that Policy changes may also have to include a training phase.

The password policy was touched on.  Will mentioned some identity solutions that exist that might help issues with password security across latforms.

New business:

Document Storage options:  Next meeting should include a discussion with a vendor rep providing such services.

We discussed training possibilities.  Keith will be researching and putting together a simple session for using the calendar app that might help office productivity.  Might be a something more that we could do in the future if it seems to be effective.

adjourned at 4:32

Recorded by Keith Simpson
IT Assistant, Town of Wolfeboro