
Meeting date: 
Thursday, October 12, 2017

3:33 Meeting called to order

Present, Peter Chamberlin, Keith Simpson, Jim Collins, Will Herman

Old Business:

We discussed the rolling out of the newly modified Town Computer Use Policy and Agreement.  It is now an online form that can be digitally signed and is ready for submission to the BOS.  When it is "signed", the signature and the user information is recorded.  That information can be the shared with HR so who has signed can be tracked.

Keith explained that when rolled out, an email will be sent to all users registered on the website and any town employees that have email addresses.  The email will indicate that employees are expected to sign the agreement, and steps will be taken to make sure they do.  Other, non-employees are not required to sign, but may if they like.  

Keith will prepare the email and and explanation for the Town Manager and the BOS for their approval with a planned vote at the Nov 15th BOS Meeting.

New Business:

Keith brought up his plans to perform an informal security audit, which will coincide with a physical computer systems asset review.  The board agreed this would be a good idea.

Keith also brought up the idea of doing a public outreach program, focused on issues of what is offered on the town website.  These would be announced in the paper and done at the library or town hall, the former probably with best AV setup.  Keith will write up a proposal for review by the TM.

Pete addressed the issue with insulating and the cooling of the server racks
in the basement.  The HVAC vendor will be contacted. 

Meeting ended at about 4:30