Lake Wentworth and Crescent Lake

Russ Schundler Video

Lake Wentworth is the largest lake entirely within the boundaries of Wolfeboro. Earlier it was called Smith’s Pond, named after the well known colonial governor of New Hampshire. Depending upon who is counting, Lake Wentworth has 19, 20, or 21 islands, more or less, the largest of which at about 90 acres and measuring nearly a mile long from east to west is Stamp Act Island. Comprises about 15 miles of shoreline surrounding about 3,037 acres (about five square miles) of water surface.

Lake Wentworth is fed by brooks of varying size, named as follows, in clockwise order beginning at the Smith River outlet: Harvey (or Hooper), Tyler (earlier Hersey), Fernald, Willey (called Willey’s Mill Stream at the turn of the 20th century), Clay Pit (or Frost), Ryefield, Warren, Townsend, Red, and Heath. Then there is Whitton Brook, tiny and omitted from most maps. (Courtesy of David Bowers)

Statistics (Wentworth + Crescent)

Watershed Area 35.6 sq. milesMax Depth80 ft.
Surface Area3018 +147 acresMean Depth25 ft.
Shore Length20 + 4 milesVolume73,997,266 + 1,814,665 cubic meters
Elevation534 ft.  

Wentworth Watershed Association Web Site

Most Recent Water Quality Reports
Site 1, Fullers
Site 2, Triggs
Site 12,  Governors

Wolfeboro Waters Water Quality Summary for Lake Wentworth and Crescent Lake 

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