Dock Committee Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, November 16, 2020

Dock Ad Hoc Committee  
Meeting Minutes – Virtual Meeting
Members or alternates present: BOS liaison Linda Murray, BOS liaison Paul O’Brien, Adam Dow, Bob Tougher, John Thurston, Mary DeVries, Brian Black and Dave Mahar.
Staff present:  Amy Capone Muccio, Recording Secretary.
Guests: N/A
    •    Call to order:  Paul O’Brien called the meeting to order. He read the COVID 19 preamble required for remote meetings.

2. Consideration of Minutes 10/12/2020
It was moved by John Thurston and seconded by Bob Tougher to approve the minutes of October 12, 2020 as submitted. Members voted, Paul O’Brien-yes, Linda Murray-yes, Adam Dow-yes, Bob Tougher-yes, Brian Black-yes, John Thurston-yes, Mary DeVries-yes and Dave Mahar-yes, the motion passed.  

    3. New Business   
Update and Information

Mr. O’Brien stated unfortunately Mr. Pineo is not able to attend today’s meeting which was to provide some update information. He stated that they have been able to upload some of the data history on this topic to the website. He noted that he and Linda Murray met with Mr. Pineo to review the history of documents and plans now shared on the website.


Mr. O’Brien stated that RFP for the parking lot and area survey are out for bid and listed on the Town’s website.

Mrs. Murray noted that the bids are due December 15th.

Mr. O’Brien stated at the next meeting they will discuss the bids, access points and plans which include the expansion.

Mr. Thurston stated it may be worth a venture out to review the lot to look at the spray-painted renditions to see how the boats will maneuver around.

Mrs. Murray agreed.

Mr. O’Brien expressed his concerned of the sidewalk in the entrance of the lot that may hinder the ability of those trying to get larger boats trailered in.

Mr. Thurston questioned if there will be any protective barriers put in to protect those sitting in front of the parking spaces.

Mrs. Murray replied that they can’t protect against all mishaps and that such could take away from the natural look of the area.

Mr. Thurston stated at one time they had a plan that did not have any cars parking there.

Mr. O’Brien agreed they need to review the prior versions and discuss them at the next meeting. He is not sure about a guardrail.

Mrs. Murray stated that Pleasant Valley had a recent guardrail replacement and it takes away from the natural beauty and this is something to discuss at the next meeting.

Mr. Thurston noted they should review the drawing from three years ago, that were present at the Wolfeboro Inn.

Mrs. Murray replied that there are versions from 2015 and 2017 that they can review.

Mr. O’Brien stated one issue they do need to discuss is with regards to parking.

Mrs. Murray agreed, they need to look at that and where they will make up for parking and prevent that circling from happening for those looking for parking.

Mr. Tougher stated he is concerned about water run-off into the lake.

Mr. O’Brien agreed they will need input from DES.

Mr. Thurston agreed that they do need to look at the run-off that comes down from Pickering Corner right into the lake and is doing a lot damage and they should be looking at a diffusion system in Cate Park and the same with dockside.

Mrs. Murray replied that this is an interesting point they should discuss further.

Mr. Black stated that when Goodhue Hawkins put in the new parking lot, they used a porous pavement to help filter the run off, but dockside may not have enough elevation to do that.

Mr. O’Brien stated the Wolfeboro Waters Committee has put out some videos he will share of what has been going on with their group.
Mr. Tougher questioned how the RFP will be funded.
Mrs. Murray replied that Capital Reserves funds will be used towards the repair of A, B, C & D this year.
Mr. Tougher clarified that B, C, D & E would be part of the expansion.
Mrs. Murray agreed, plus F.

    •    Next Meeting November 23, 2020 at 10:00 AM

Being no further business before the Committee, Paul O’Brien asked for a motion to adjourn.  
It was moved by John Thurston and seconded by Bob Tougher to adjourn. Being all in favor, the motion passed.  
The meeting adjourned at 10:39 AM.  
Respectfully submitted,  
Amelia Capone Muccio