Planning & Development

The Planning and Development Department is responsible for planning the Town's future in such areas as land-use, transportation, natural resource protection, and maintenance and enhancement of Wolfeboro's special character and quality of life. It is also responsible for zoning administration and enforcement, conservation administration, and inspections and code enforcement.

This department serves the following citizen boards:

  • Planning Board develops the Master Plan for Planning and Development, reviews Site Plans and Subdivision Plans for new developments, and proposes amendments to the Zoning Ordinance.
  • Zoning Board of Adjustment reviews specific cases involving the application of our Zoning Ordinance: Special Exceptions, Variances, Equitable Waivers, and Appeals from Decisions of the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
  • Conservation Commission promotes appropriate use of and advocates for the Town's natural resources, including the Town's trails and forests, wetlands, and water areas.

The records of the all these boards and commissions and of building inspections are kept in the department's office.

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Terry Tavares Administrative Assistant 603-569-5970
Jason Durrance Building/Code Enforcement Official 603-569-5970

Additional Staff
