EDC Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Economic Development Committee Meeting Minutes APPROVED 3-16-2021

Members or alternates present:

Chairman Kathy Fairman Eaton (member), BOS liaison Linda Murray (member), Liz Baker McClain (member), Kathy Tetreault (member), Robyn Masteller (member), Carrie Duran (member) and Mike Hodder (alternate)

Members or alternates absent:

BOS alternate Dave Bowers and Steve Durgan (member), Bill Petersen (member), Dave Maher (member) and Mary DeVries (alternate)

Staff present:

Tavis Austin, Wolfeboro Director of Planning, Beverly Woods, Wolfeboro IT Assistant and Christine Metcalfe Doherty, Recording Secretary.

Guests: N/A

Call to order: Chair Kathy Fairman called the meeting to order at 8:02 AM

She read the attached script for the remote portion of the meeting. (See attached)

Roll Call for members present. Kathy Tetreault, present at LRTC office. Robyn Masteller present at home alone. Linda Murray present alone and in my home. Liz Baker McClain present at home alone. Kathy Fairman present at home alone. Mike Hodder present at home alone. Carrie Duran present at home alone.

Approval of Minutes:

I. January 25, 2021

No changes

II. February 16, 2021
Mike Hodder: Page 1 section 3 I would ask the minutes delete everything from the first parenthesis to the end of the parenthesis Ever since SB2 (Senate Bill 2) attendance at town meetings through the deliberative session has steadily declined.

It was moved by Liz Baker McClain and seconded by Robyn Masteller to approve the minutes

for January 25, 2021. Members voted, Linda Murray—yes. Mike Hodder—abstain, Kathy

Tetreault—yes, Robyn Masteller—yes, Carrie Duran—abstain, Kathy Fairman—yes, Liz Baker

McClain-yes, and the motion passed with two abstentions.

It was moved by Mike Hodder and seconded by Robyn Masteller to approve the minutes for

February 16, 2021 as amended. Members voted, Linda Murray—yes. Mike Hodder—yes, Kathy

Tetreault—yes, Robyn Masteller—yes, Carrie Duran—abstain, Kathy Fairman—yes, Liz Baker

McClain-yes, and the motion passed with one abstention.

Business Survey Update

Ms. Masteller: Do we need to address the final draft of the cover letter?
Ms. Fairman: It was approved at our last meeting.
Ms. Murray: I think it still needs to be approved by this committee.
Ms. Fairman: The New Release has been approved by the Selectmen but needs to be approved by the EDC. The cover letter, which was also reviewed by the Selectmen, was already approved by the EDC.

Ms. Metcalfe Doherty: Beverley Woods, Wolfeboro IT Assistant, is ready to go on the website for the survey and can send us reports whenever needed.
Ms. Fairman: Any changes or suggestions for news release?


Ms. Fairman: Did everyone get a chance to look at the the Yankee Magazine ad? Park and ride, which was on last years’ ad will be removed and is on the back burner due to COVID.
Ms. Murray: I think the free public beaches should be taken out also. I don’t think we should be advertising about something we aren’t sure how it will turn out.

Ms. Fairman: We can take out the beach info.
Mr. Hodder: I agree with Linda on the beaches. We shouldn’t be advertising what we can’t guarantee. In the text of the ad, it says sponsored by wolfeboronh.us which is the domain name. Does it mean to say sponsored by the EDC?
Ms. Fairman: It is sponsored by the town but we want to bring people to the website.
Mr. Hodder: It would be more effective if it said Town of Wolfeboro.

Marketing Committee

Ms. Duran: I spoke with Yankee Magazine and they are excited about our continued partnership with them. Once we approve this ad, it will be in the May and June issues at the cost of $800. Ms. Fairman: What we like about this ad, is we do get feedback. The town pays for it but it’s a partnership with the Chamber of Commerce. Carrie, in April will you be coming back with a proposed marketing budget for the rest of the year?

Mr. Hodder: Does the EDC have the ability to expend these funds?
Ms. Murray: We will approve it then Tavis will put it through the proper channels.
Ms. Duran: When I spoke with Yankee magazine, they were updating their vendor list and they will be able to reach out to Tavis directly from here on out.

It was moved by Liz and seconded by Robyn Masteller to approve the news release for the

business survey. Members voted, Linda Murray—yes, Kathy Tetreault—yes, Robyn Masteller—

yes, Mike Hodder—yes, Carrie Duran—yes, Liz Baker McClane—yes and Kathy Fairman—yes,

the motion passed unanimously.

It was moved by Carrie Duran and seconded Kathy Fairman to approve the expenditure of $800

for the Yankee Magazine ad. Members voted, Linda Murray—yes, Kathy Tetreault—yes, Robyn

Masteller—yes, Mike Hodder—yes, Carrie Duran—yes, Liz Baker McClain—yes and Kathy

Fairman-yes, the motion passed unanimously.

Town Meeting Results

Ms. Fairman: One of the big ones to us was the town docks and I found it interesting the Warrant Article to repair passed and yet the voters voted against extending the docks almost 2 to 1. I spoke with some of the voters and there were questions they still had that had not been answered. We had fulfilled what we were supposed to do but other questions have come forward. Another piece of the puzzle we had not thought of was the boats circling in the bay which may cause more pollution, while waiting for dock space. There are other solutions to look at be it a dock master or other idea. A lot of people do not think there is a problem at the docks. We should do some research or possibly set up a camera to get a better idea.
Mr. Hodder: I think the problem with the Warrant Article was too bold and the 2 parts are interrelated. The presentation of the proposal was premature because it lacked support from other parts of the town administration. The CIT (Capital Improvements Committee) recommended the project be done by the town and scheduled for 2024. There seems to be no reason the proposal was pushed back to 2021. Had the EDC waited on the proposal and not taken it out of Capital projects there would have been more support.
Ms. Fairman: The job of the EDC is to recognize and make recommendations regarding opportunities for economic growth. Last summer it (dock extension) had been eliminated from the CIP entirely. We said it not only needs to be put back on the schedule but also done sooner. We recommended it to the selectmen and they supported it. So, I disagree with you.
Mr. Hodder: You make my point for me. The CIP was persuaded by arguments to put it back on schedule for 2024. You would have had more support from other town boards like the CIP and Budget Committee if you would have played the game and gone along.
Ms. Murray: The CIP is an advisory document that puts together all the projects that our department heads would like to see done. Part of the proposal was to move the commercial docks. The price tag on that was too high. We have the seawall going up and down the Smith River and the parking lot with drainage issues there to consider. The Town Dock Committee also recommended that the dock extension be moved up to 2021.
Ms. Masteller: How much discussion has there been about changing the configuration or having a shuttle? Or do they just want to add to what they have?
Ms. Murray: Yes, the Dock Committee did look at changing the configuration or narrowing the fingers and the cost was too high. We have a lot of other projects coming up, like a new public safety building, and only so much money to use.
Ms. Fairman: Another businessperson I spoke to suggested designating 2 docks for larger boats. Is there a 2 or 3 hour limit?
Ms. Murray: The time limit is 4 hours.

Selectmen Report

Ms. Murray: We had about 22% voter turnout. There will be a recount on the Police Commissioner seat. The election results are on the town website. The BOS will be reorganizing tomorrow night. Luke Freudenburg and Brian DeShaies are the two new selectmen.

Ms. Fairman: We will be reorganizing the EDC as well. Liz you will need to get a letter to Amy Capone Muccio to let her know you are staying. My position and Bill Petersen’s are up as well. It will be time to elect a new Chairman so if anyone would like to step forward as the chair please let me know.

EDC Director Report

Mr. Austin: My introduction period is over and I am ready to step forward. I will be the point person for discussions. Let me know how I can help and what questions you may have.

Ms. Fairman: Anything we need to know about in town as far as properties? Mr. Austin: We are just watching who’s buying and who’s selling.

Ms. Fairman: Any issues with the mandatory exterior rules which used to be voluntary? Any issues with people coming to you with projects.

Mr. Austin: Nothing has come up yet indicating that any design plans are going to be problematic.



Next Meeting Tuesday April 20, 2021 – Hybrid

Ms. Fairman: Hoping to have the next meeting in the town hall. For those that cannot be there, they can join virtually.


The meeting adjourned at 9:06 AM. Respectfully submitted,
Christine Metcalfe Doherty

It was moved by Mike Hodder and seconded by Linda Murray to adjourn. Members voted,

Linda Murray-yes, Liz Baker McClain-yes, Kathy Tetreault-yes, Robyn Masteller-yes, Mike

Hodder-yes and Kathy Fairman-yes, the motion passed unanimously. Carrie Duran left the

meeting early.

Wolfeboro Businesses To Receive Jobs Survey

Wolfeboro – Wolfeboro businesses will soon receive a short survey from the Town’s Economic Development Committee (EDC) asking how many people they typically employ from May through October compared to November through April.

“This information will be helpful to the Town, local businesses and non-profit organizations when considering future projects,” says the survey cover letter signed by EDC Chairman Kathy Fairman Eaton on behalf of the EDC.

Headlined “Help the Wolfeboro Economic Development Committee Help Your Business,” the seven-question survey also asks for the business name, location, whether or not the business is seasonal, the type of business and whether or not the business utilizes other local businesses/services.

“We know how many people work in the schools, for the town and at the hospital. Those job numbers are readily available,” said Fairman Eaton. “What we don’t know is how many of our citizens work in the tourism and vacation industry or others, like the building industry, because they are employed by so many individual, small businesses. We’re hoping this survey will provide that information.”

She explained that knowing those job numbers could be important to several town departments such as Public Works, Recreation, and Planning and Economic Development, as well as businesses and non-profits considering moving, starting or expanding in Wolfeboro and anyone applying for a grant that might impact jobs.

Business owners will receive the survey by regular mail shortly or can access it on the Town of Wolfeboro’s website home page: wolfeboronh.us.

EDC members Robyn Masteller (Meredith Village Savings Bank,) Liz Baker McClain (Brewster Academy,) Carrie Duran (EDC Marketing Committee Chairman,) Kathy Fairman Eaton (Wolfeboro Trolley Company) and EDC Secretary Christine Doherty will follow-up with phone calls if necessary.

The Wolfeboro EDC was established by the Board of Selectmen in 1992 to serve in an advisory role with respect to economic development in Wolfeboro. It serves as an unofficial bridge between the public and private sectors in Wolfeboro and is appointed by the Selectmen.

“We really appreciate the cooperation of the business community on this important project,” said Fairman Eaton.

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Wolfeboro Economic Development Committee “Work and Live Where You Love to Play”