Upcoming activities regarding your drinking water system will be performed to comply with the federal Lead and Copper Rule Revision (LCRR) set forth by the United States Environmental Protection Agency


Dear Homeowner:

This Letter is to notify you of upcoming activities your drinking water system will be performing to comply with the federal Lead and Copper Rule Revision (LCRR) set forth by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), specifically the Lead Service Line Inventory and Replacement Plan (LSLI/R) requirement of LCRR.

LCRR requires all state-regulated community and non-transient non-community drinking water systems inventory their drinking water system service lines.  The goal of LSLI/R is to identify and replace all drinking water service lines comprised of lead and galvanized steel downstream of lead.  Lead can leach into drinking water from corroded pipes, fixtures and solder holding pipes together.  Lead can cause serious health issues, especially for children and infants.

A representative from your drinking water system will be reaching out and request access to your home to evaluate your water connections.

If you have any questions, please contact the Public Works Office 603-569-8176

Thank you,
Steve Randall, Director of Public Works
Wolfeboro, NH  03894

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