PSB/FT Meeting Minutes

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Meeting date: 
Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Minutes of Team Fire Subcommittee Meeting
Fire-Rescue Training Room/GoToMeeting

In attendance: Paul O’Brien, Dave Senecal, Chief Norm Skantze, Deputy Chief Tom Zotti, via GtM: Bob Tougher

Called to order at 1000 hrs.
Chief Skantze stated he reviewed the various proposals with the Fire-Rescue Department at a meeting last night and got a lot of input. He and the department support moving the EOC to the rear of the building with the addition of a door to the parking area so that persons attending meetings at the EOC could enter and exit directly into the space rather than passing through the rest of the building. Members also felt the building would look better from South Main Street. Members also felt the label “library overflow parking” should be removed from the plan.
Paul O’Brien asked if anyone in the meeting supported having the EOC in front, no one responded.
Bob Tougher asked if there could be an issue with diesel exhaust entering the library HVAC system from idling fire apparatus. Discussion ensued and it appears the trucks would be moving when passing by the library. Paul O’Brien suggesting consulting with LBA as LBA also designed the library addition as to the location of any air intakes and the like.
Chief Skantze will contact LBA to discuss the proposed design changes.
Paul O’Brien suggested putting the revised plan together and getting it slotted into the town’s capital improvements plan. Also he said to consider a plan to begin raising money similar to what was done with Friends of Abenaki, Friends of the Library, and Friends of Town Hall.
Meeting was adjourned at 1035 hrs.